*** NETFLIX World Premieres The BUENDIA ‘Assassination’
*** Announced For July 14, You ‘Can Watch it’
*** ‘State Crime’ of BUENDIA Still Goes Unpunished, in Mexico
***Since 1984 to date, There Has Been no “Punishment”
By William Morgan / Special to “The UNIVERSE News” And “EL UNIVERSO”
Austin, Texas.- In Mexico’s Political History, former President MIGUEL DE LA MADRID HURTADO and his former Secretary of the Interior, MANUEL BARTLETT DIAZ have an indelible stain, which is the state crime of MANUEL BUENDIA, according to the citizens perception’s of the Aztec country.
Mr. BUENDIA was a Mexican journalist famous in the U.S., CANADA, in European countries. In addition to places in the world. For his solid works of political investigation, in which he approached serious cases of political corruption and of another nature.
In Mexico, through his column RED PRIVADA, which was a literary delight and with a great political significance of national issues. What was his passion, he allowed through his pen, the people learn about the most complicated issues of the country.

As the powerful in the government, such as MIGUEL DE LA MADRID and MANUEL BARTLETT could never bribe him. Since, he preferred a simple life without luxuries. He decided to serve the most sacred interests of Mexico, with his favorite weapon: THE JOURNALISM.
To Remember the life of a journalist like MANUEL BUENDIA is undoubtedly to remember many black episodes of the pusillanimous President DE LA MADRID. NETFLIX World Premieres BUENDIA Assassination, announced for July 14. You can watch it.
We provide some data from a research work of our colleague RAYMUNDO SALVATIERRA, which was published in The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO, on August 1, 2018.
AMLO “Exorcize” to BARTLETT
Mexico City – “…It was a “State Crime” the -execution- of MANUEL BUENDIA, a Mexican journalist of -international fame- and that was the conclusion reached by a team of reporters and executives of EXCELSIOR, led by REGINO DIAZ REDONDO, general director”.
“…With the “murder” of BUENDÍA, national public opinion was shaken in the capital of the country on May 30, 1984. Touching the most sensitive fibers of the Mexican political system. The latter was -submerged in a great – stupor, upon hearing the news”.
“…Since the most politically dangerous topics were dealt with by BUENDIA in his column “Red Privada” (Private Network), every day, in EXCELSIOR. BUENDIA, due to the type of information he handled, urged the entire national, state and local political sector to read it”.
“…There was no politician, who did not read BUENDÍA. Through his “PRIVATE Network”, a column he made famous worldwide. Particularly in the U.S., because of the sensitive topics that involved numerous U.S. covert actors.”
“…BUENDIA fearlessly touched upon the CIA’s operations in Mexico, the ultra-right wing, drug trafficking and the major governmental corruption that proliferated under MIGUEL DE LA MADRID, despite the fact that the pusillanimous President had a program of Moral Renewal, which was not fulfilled.”
“…Such was the courage that MANUEL BUENDIA had, before the CIA. An agency of the U.S. Government that does the dirty work. In his office, he had an engraving on his desk that read MIA (Mexican Intelligence Agency), such was the size of the service, he rendered to his country, to defend Mexico’s sovereignty.”
Witnesses who were close to Maestro MANUEL BUENDIA revealed the above to EL UNIVERSO and The UNIVERSE News. When asked about the life of the journalist who gave his life to serve the most sacred interests of the country.
Investigations into the BUENDIA crime revealed that it was orchestrated by the then Secretary of Defense, JUAN AREVALO GARDOQUI in a meeting held at the beginning of April 1984. The Meeting was attended by MANUEL BARTLETT DIAZ and JOSE ANTONIO ZORRILLA, director of DFS. Among other guests.
For the reason of the denunciations of BUENDIA in his political column “Red Privada” about the corruption in the highest circles of power in Mexico, involved in the International Drug Trafficking.
In the corridors of EXCELSIOR, which was at the pinnacle of national news. It was always said that both MIGUEL DE LA MADRID and MANUEL BARTLETT shared the -intellectual authorship- in the political assassination of MANUEL BUENDIA. Because they could never defeat him.
MIGUEL ANGEL GRANADOS CHAPA, famed journalist, dedicated a cultured book to his teacher MANUEL BUENDIA. (…) Spanish Edition: BUENDÍA: El Primer Asesinato de la Narcopolítica en México, in 2011.
When the triumphant President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR put MANUEL BARTLETT DIAZ on the national stage as Director of the CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad), he is met with a barrage of criticisms, all of which are true.
“It is not the Indian who is to blame, but the one who makes him,” is what the popular aphorism says, which fits with what LOPEZ OBRADOR has done in favor of BARTLETT. The Collective Memory of the country does not forget the assassination of MANUEL BUENDIA. Where BARTLETT is the great suspect. And he has never been judged for that state crime.
One might ask: Just because President OBRADOR speaks of the goodness of BARTLETT, should he exonerate himself from the ‘State Crime’ of the famous Mexican journalist, MANUEL BUENDIA, which remains – unpunished – before the eyes of the whole world, since May 30, 1984?.