*** He Tried to Overcome PABLO ESCOBAR’S War
*** Not Even With the Thousands of Dead, Justice Judges Him
*** ZALDIVAR Got to The SCJN (The Court), by CALDERON
Dallas, TEXAS.-Surely in the DNA of FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA, when he was President. He brought the hidden desire to overcome the exploits of the Patron of Evil, as they call PABLO ESCOBAR. The worst drug trafficker, in Latin America, in the opinion of the experts.
Millions of critics of the former PAN President in the Aztec country remember: How in 3, January 2007, CALDERON, dressed as a soldier going to a military base in Michoacan, to congratulate them for the strategy. And Mexico would begin the path to replace Colombia.
An act that would mark the bloody story of Mexico, that had replaced Colombia as the place of the big drug cartels. Unleashing an enormous violence against thousands of innocent people. CALDERON hit the hornet’s nest, nothing more.

CALDERON’s strategy of dismantling cartels did not work, as it broke up criminal groups, created new generations of capos and led to increasingly violent confrontations between them, with dire consequences for civil society, as attest the experts. They Explain:
“…In December 2006, the FELIPE CALDERON administration (2006-2012) launched a strategy of open confrontation with organized crime called the war against the drugs.”
“…A Policy that installed de facto: military control over public security in the country. Through the deployment of thousands of military personnel in the territory, and the replacement of multiple heads of public security institutions, state and municipal, by active or retired military personnel.”
“…An Example of this is the fact that the military and elements of the armed forces and federal, state and municipal police forces systematically transferred civilians detained after operations to military facilities.”
“…In the press and mass media, the federal government’s vision has been disseminated, according to which the people “killed” as a result of the strategy against organized crime are “fallen criminals” and not civilians.”
“…The fact of those deaths are not ‘preceded’ by an adequate criminal investigation. Even in cases where, it has subsequently been demonstrated, that they did not belong to any organized crime group or did not present any “danger” to society.”
“…The blood of civilians who were not involved in any criminal act during the CALDERON government never stopped flowing in the national territory. His strategy left between 2012 and 2016 more than 150 thousand deaths and 28 thousand people disappeared.”
“…CALDERON managed criminality according to crime networks, which encompass and operate in a territory composed of three structures: criminal, business and political (Federal Congress, Federal, State and Municipal Governments).”
“…Between 1940 and 2000, Mexico had a strong presidential system, which had the ability to set clear rules, and centralize the power of the state to set limits on organized crime. But with the arrival of the first alternation in power, that changed.”
“…VICENTE FOX QUESADA and his wife MARTA SAHAGUN, together with their children from Los Pinos increased the political relations of the Federal Government with organized crime, plunging the country into chaos and violence throughout the nation.”
“…In 2000, as political power fragmented, so did the relationship between political power and crime. Before, the president had a very important role; now, the governors are beginning to be very relevant. Also, the municipal presidents, even the prosecutors themselves”.
In the midst of the national disaster, that CALDERON left for Mexico. He remains very active politically. He lives with absolute impunity, without having the slightest responsibility for the serious damage he did to the nation, facts that analysts do not understand.
Why CALDERON is Not on Trial, in Mexico?. It is a question that made millions of Mexicans in all places of the nation. Without until to date find an answer from some judicial authorities. Less still of the SCJN. (The Court).
Today it is known that the position held by ARTURO ZALDIVAR, current President-Minister of the Court in Mexico, is due to the support to FELIPE CALDERON HINOJOSA. This allows him to earn a higher salary than President LOPEZ OBRADOR.
With such a close relationship between Minister-President ARTURO ZALDIVAR and former President FELIPE CALDERON there may be some punishment against the Michoacan native, pessimists in Mexico believe.
In an almost total blindness, Minister-President ZALDIVAR fails to see all the damage he is doing in Mexico. By not providing justice, which the people have been yearning for 36 years and it has not arrived. While the white-collar criminals move around the country, tranquility.
The Peak of Luxury of FELIPE CALDERON appears as the great lawyer of FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. To whom the FGR could issue an arrest warrant for drug crimes at any time, according to his harshest critics.
Former President FELIPE CALDERON came to the defense of the Governor of Tamaulipas, and accused a “crude political persecution” against Governor FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA.
The leader of México Libre pointed out that there were crimes that had been confessed during LOPEZ OBRADOR’s presidency, and no action was taken. Likewise, he pointed out that justice is being used to persecute political adversaries.
“…There are confessed crimes of people linked to the presidency, and no action has been taken. Instead, justice is used to persecute and harass political adversaries, as in the case of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, with elements that nobody knows. There is a crude political persecution in Mexico,” CALDERON wrote on his Twitter account.
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