*** Enemies of The People FOX And Others
*** The Dangerous Relations of The PRI-PAN
*** PEÑA Walks Behind The Skirts of a Blonde
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS.- A Political Upheaval involves the Commercial War between China And US. But it is over, after the Ad made by DONALD TRUMP and XI JINPING which there will be a ceasefire in both countries, according to international political analysts.
Worldwide Factor that influences on the economy of all the countries. Mexico sees with good eyes the meeting TRUMP-JINPING carried out in Osaka, Japon. Because the economies will have consequences positives of agree with national observers.

If Mexico goes for ways normal in your economy. It is not equal in the camp of impunity. Due to which the Mexican nationwide disputes the first places between the countries where the Justice not apply and there is no punishment against criminals, as said by experts.
From ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON and ENRIQUE PEÑA, Mexico is sunk into a lot of impunity. And it until date, the Government of LOPEZ OBRADOR does not want to get into punishing the former Presidents. Himself OBRADOR mentions it.
UN Specialists say that it is inevitable to give exemplary punishment to those who violate the laws to combat impunity. Otherwise, the citizens will not believe in the government. The Same Mexican Society is going to distrust its authorities.
In Other Times, a simple US threat insinuation toward any government in the world. It was devastatingly fulfilled. Today is different, the US took steps backward. Only the U.S. had in front of China. World’s first economic power recognized by Wall Street Experts.
Let’s see what is made in The Land of XI JINPING, on drug trafficking?. We give way to information from the Western Press: ”…In China, the government exhibits two drug traffickers sentenced to the firing squad.”
“…Cai Liqun, 39, and Huang Zhengye, 36, were condemned at a public event in the presence of dozens of children in Haikou, Hainan Province. What is most striking about the case seen with Western eyes is not so much the Maximize of the sentence as the way it was communicated.”
“…The Local Qiongshan Court and the Middle People’s Court organized an event at a sports field in Haikou, Hainan Province, to read the verdict before about 300 people.”
“…They first exhibited the criminals, Cai Liqun, 39, and Huang Zhengye, 36. One was convicted of selling methamphetamine and magu, a very popular synthetic drug in China. The other was found guilty of transporting and selling methamphetamine.”
“…Then one of the court’s magistrates stood in front of the crowd and read the sentence. “Now, I announce that Cai Liqun and Huang Zheny will be transferred to the execution camp, where they will be shot, she said.”
“…Some members of the public, including many children and students, applauded. These acts in which convicts are shown and celebrate the sentences are part of a communicative strategy of Chinese justice, which seeks to instill fear in the population to combat drug trafficking.”
For those who understand World History, they know that the MAO TZE TUNG builder of Present China used the Death Penalty against drug traffickers at the time of the Chinese revolution. Only in this way could he bring order to his country.
Whereas, on Mexico, the dangerous relations of the former Presidents ERNESTO ZEDILLO, VICENTE FOX, FELIPE CALDERON, and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO of their governments with drug cartels are known. And nothing happens.
They were all embroiled in outrageous corruption cases in their governments. Recently, the corruption of PEMEX erupted in his face, the ‘LOZOYA Case’ to ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO. However, He walks behind the skirts of the beautiful blonde of St. Louis Potosi.
While the 30 million Mexicans who voted on July 1 for OBRADOR expect some of the former Presidents to go to jail. In order to give exemplary punishment to the enemies of the people. As they are: ZEDILLO, FOX, CALDERON and PEÑA NIETO.
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