*** SNTE’s Big Elector GUEVARA VAZQUEZ, But Has no Unity
*** CDV Brotherhood, And RIGO Play With Master CEPEDA SALAS
*** AMERICO’s Father Was Linked to The Gulf Cartel
By William MORGAN / Gerardo ‘JERRY’ ESTRADA / Special to The UNIVERSE News, And EL UNIVERSO / Sixth (6th) Part.
Brownsville, TEXAS.- “… An imminent scenario for FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. As Governor of Tamaulipas, which could happen in a few days. It is really pathetic, and of disastrous consequences for him, and your family.”
“… Several arrest warrants have been hanging over the PAN Governor’s back. For many months. Without the Prosecutor’s office, ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO being able to execute them, due to dirty maneuvers of the Court, which allows him to walk free, still.”
“… Since last April 30, 2021, the Federal House of Deputies removed the immunity of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA had as Governor to be tried, like any citizen. Until today, August 19, 2022, the SCJN prevents him from facing justice.”
“… The charges accuse against CABEZA DE VACA by the Attorney General’s Office, in the exercise of his functions as Governor of Tamaulipas, are not minor. It says all are severe: Organized crime, operations with resources of illicit origin, and tax fraud.”
“… That’s not where the criminal matter stops, for the Governor of the PAN. Also, is the wife, your brothers, and others relatives linked to CABEZA DE VACA. Due to the implications of the crimes that handle the FGR.”
“… Without taking into account, other crimes that accumulate in the FGR of different criminal nature committed by CABEZA DE VACA, from his office, in his role as Governor. Against the defenceless people of Tamaulipas, who abused: looted the Government’s coffers.”
“… ¿ RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ (RIGO), Secretary General of Section XXX of the SNTE is contemplating going to jail, to visit his political tutor and partner, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. In case that the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) catches up with him?.
“… ¿Or RIGO is looking to throw himself into the arms of MORENA’s Governor Elect, AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA. As he did in six years with CABEZA DE VACA of the PAN. A fact that, he himself acknowledged at union events?”.
The above were commented by teachers who work in H. Matamoros, to The UNIVERSE News and EL UNIVERSO. And to continue giving information, they ask for anonymity. Because of the risks they have, for being people linked to the Narco. To whom we denounce.

They Explain: “… To the misfortune of the people (of Mexico and Tamaulipas) organized crime for a long time, shares the political decisions with the Presidents, Governors and mayors of the PRI and PAN of the country. Where injustice and violence took over Mexico.”
“… In 1982 to 2022. With MIGUEL DE LA MADRID, with CARLOS SALINAS, with ERNESTO ZEDILLO, with VICENTE FOX, with FELIPE CALDERON, and ENRIQUE PEÑA NIETO, the country was convulsed by the Organized Crime. It is date that is still there.”
“… In 36 years, the narco-politics had deep roots. The PRI Leadership found its best partner: organized crime. While YARRINGTON and EUGENIO did evil. But, TOMAS and GEÑO are infants, in front of CABEZA DE VACA, as the DEA says.”
“… A past fact. AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA entered in the dynamics of dirty money. When, he was Governor. Evidence, Evidence. Just look at the newspaper archives of the Mexico City Diaries of that time, which linked him to the Gulf Cartel.”
“… For more detail. The Press Chief of AMERICO VILLARREAL GUERRA was MANUEL MONTIEL GOVEA. The Same position that MONTIEL held with TOMAS YARRINGTON, for six years. MONTIEL and EMILIO VILLARREAL GUERRA handled the bribes of organized crime.”
“… Now, MANUEL MONTIEL GOVEA is behind the communication area of the newly elected Governor of MORENA, AMERICO VILLARREAL ANAYA. Through FRANCISCO CUELLAR CARDONA, faithful to the policies of the narco-governors of the past.”
“… In the SNTE things are the same or worse. Ever since RIGOBERTO GUEVARA VAZQUEZ publicly accepted that he was in CABEZA DE VACA’s arms. It never caused him any embarrassment to say it in the SNTE’s public events.”
“… RIGO based his hopes on CABEZA DE VACA as PAN’s presidential candidate for 2024. He wanted to fly too high. Apparently, after his candidate for Governor of the PAN, CESAR VERASTEGUI, EL TRUKO, was ‘electorally’ crushed by MORENA. He sees another scenario.”
“… In 2016, they arrived together: RIGO al SNTE and CABEZA DE VACA to the State Government. From Patron to subordinate. RIGO remains in the service of the Governor of the PAN.”
“… RIGO always thinking that its real patron could reach the presidency of the Republic, in 2024. This explains the public eagerness to criticize the policies of President ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR. Probably for indications from CABEZA DE VACA.”
“… It never bothered RIGO, to make public criticisms against President OBRADOR’s programs. As he always ignored that the national leader of the SNTE, Master ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS, was and is a faithful supporter of the head of the federal Executive, and his Government.”
“… RIGO’s imminent departure from the SNTE faces a serious problem. He wants to become the big voter in the upcoming replacement of Section XXX. He -simulate- to be loyal to the SNTE, and its leader ALFONSO CEPEDA SALAS.”
“… Under a ‘Cheating Unity’ (of the SNTE) that RIGO is promoting, as he has expressed in several public forums. In order for the election of the next Secretary General -according to him- to be for the good of all the union members and the union organization.”
“… RIGO says that there are several aspirants who have demonstrated so far, among them: ABELARDO IBARRA, GUADALUPE PUENTE, CECILIA ROBLES, JAIME RAMOS, FRANCISCO NAVARRO, and ARNULFO RODRIGUEZ , NAIF HAMSCHO, among others.”
“… In the six years that you have been at the head of the organization, the only unity practiced by the still leader of the SNTE, and that is public knowledge among the teachers’ base is with FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, and the PAN.”
“… He is also, in unity with ABELARDO IBARRA, GUADALUPE PUENTE, CECILIA ROBLES, JAIME RAMOS, and FRANCISCO NAVARRO, whom he encourages to follow a continuity that harms the majority of education workers, in the SNTE.”
“… Within the hidden purpose that RIGO jealously guards, in his current dirty maneuvers, in the union succession. He only wants to collaborate in the offices of Vallarta 44, in Mexico, City. Where Master CEPEDA SALAS works.That is RIGO’s double game.”
“… In RIGO’s record or profile he can already boast: from being in the brotherhood of TOMAS YARRINGTON (Narco-Governor) and the brotherhood of CABEZA DE VACA (Alleged criminal linked to organized crime). He must feel very proud of his actions.”
“… While, the teachers of Tamaulipas suffered the contempt of him. In their problems of lack of salary, promotions, changes of assignment, in the arrogant treatment of the offices of MARIO GOMEZ, who is his accomplice in the larcenies committed against teachers.”