*** Yesterday, Wuhan, China Was The ’City of Evil’
*** TRUMP Was Booed by a Group of People
*** U.S. Senate Passes Resolution to Reaffirm Orderly
And Peaceful Transfer of “Executive Power”
San Antonio, Texas.- While in the U.S. the COVID-19 causes 200 000 Deaths, and Mexico has near 75 000 Deaths. A Marked difference to China who has 4 473 Deaths. Besides effective management sanitary against Coronavirus, as per the opinion of the WHO.
The Chinese city of Wuhan, which was considered the original epicenter of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic as the City of Evil, is returning to normality, including nightlife, and other aspects of Social Life.
Some pictures taken last September 18, show how are currently the numerous parties in various clubs, and bars in the capital of the province Hubei. Where joy returns to society.

In the different and peculiar images, you can see that the discos seem to be full, where most of them do not wear masks. Nor do they maintain social distance. Local authorities began reducing restrictions on public spaces last April, to restart economic and social activities in the city. The Fight against the Coronavirus pandemic was quite efficient by the Chinese Government.
As Bloomberg reported in August, social life in Wuhan “resumed in all its varieties.” Including restaurants, and cinemas. Last June, officials announced that Wuhan is free of the coronavirus, after conducting nearly 10 million tests from mid-May to June 1 in the Chinese city.
Difficult, but ‘historic’, that’s how Chinese President XI JINPING described his country’s victory over the coronavirus pandemic, which broke out in his territory, in last December.
As can be seen, in China, kilometer zero of the COVID-19, XI assured that it passed “a historic and extremely difficult test”, in a grand ceremony held in Beijing in tribute to the health personnel.
“…We have fought a great battle against the epidemic that turned out to be overwhelming for everyone (…) Now we are at the global forefront in terms of economic recovery and the fight against COVID-19″, the president said.
Multiple negative comments are spreading in US political circles, which is what happened to President DONALD TRUMP who was booed by a group of people on Thursday. When he visited the coffin of the late Judge RUTH BADER GINSBURG, outside the Supreme Court.
TRUMP wearing a ‘black mask’ and accompanied by the first lady, MELANIA TRUMP, stood near the casket in the marble building. Amidst the booing and chants of “vote him out” uttered by people present to pay tribute to the liberal judge.
The moment highlighted the symbolic importance of GINSBURG’s death for many people before the November 3 presidential election. The Republican president, who has already appointed two members to the court since taking office in 2017, said earlier that he will announce the name of his replacement on Saturday, a week after the 87-year-old judge’s death.
His decision to move quickly to replace her less than two months before the election increases the confrontation between Republicans and Democrats.
At the same time, he reshaped the election race, in which TRUMP seeks re-election during a coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 200,000 people in the United States, and devastated the national economy.
The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed a resolution reaffirming its support for a peaceful transition of power. One day after President TRUMP refused to commit to such a transition next year if he loses in the November Election.
The Resolution was offered by Democratic Senator JOE MANCHIN (W.Va.), passed by unanimous consent, meaning no senator opposed it. The decision of the American Senate is well seen by a wide sector of citizens, who support electoral pacifism.
Not Forget ‘Friends’ Readers of The UNIVERSE: “…If You get the greatest victories. You make a lot of money. Or You achieve surprising facts for everyone. Even for you. You Must remain in the stillness of silence. Nothing can be celebrated. Be careful.”
“…You Cannot sing your victories. If You do the opposite, you will live in the mirage of evil that does so much harm: The ‘Arrogance’, advises The ‘Wises’ of The World. See You Soon in… The UNIVERSE News, and EL UNIVERSO.