*** CIA And DEA Knows About Organized Crime in Tamaulipas
*** They Are Violators of The Constitution of Mexico
*** The Devil Has Inserted His Tail… in Tamaulipas
By William MORGAN / Special to The UNIVERSE News / EL UNIVERSO.
AUSTIN, TEXAS.- As if President JOE BIDEN did not have national problems, to deal with. The Court, headed by ARTURO ZALDIVAR, and his 10 ministers, show contempt for the lives of Americans, who transit through the -dangerous state- of Tamaulipas, Mexico.
For a long time, US Governments, (Democrat or Republican), have shown a sacred duty to -protect- the lives of their citizens. Wherever they are in the world. They even go to the last consequences. To avoid any risk of death.
Tamaulipas is a state bordering Texas, which has been in constant turmoil with drug cartels for decades. This fact is well known to the CIA, the DEA, and other U.S. security agencies, which have plenty of information on the issue of organized crime.
The State Department directed by ANTONY BLINKEN, following President JOE BIDEN’s instructions, has informed in a timely manner of the serious risks, they run if they visit or transit through the state of Tamaulipas. Launching their official alerts.
Everything indicates that, the Devil has inserted his tail, in The State of Tamaulipas. Why?. Since, the evil comes from the state government itself. All governors limp on the same foot. They like greenbacks (dollars) to amass huge dirty fortunes.
Two Governors of Tamaulipas in prison: TOMAS YARRINGTON in a US jail, and EUGENIO HERNANDEZ FLORES in a Mexican jail. Another Governor who is trying to escape, where justice cannot reach him, is the mythomaniac: FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA .
YARRINGTON, EUGENIO, and CABEZA DE VACA created extreme violence in the state, and ALEJANDRO GERTZ MANERO’s office has not been able to execute: an arrest warrant against CABEZA DE VACA, for organized crime. Since 21 April 2021.
The Whole plot is presented, because the minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA using legal subterfuges gave protection to the Governor of the PAN, GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA. The case gets stuck. And it stays the same. The Court does not act against him.
While in Tamaulipas runs the blood of innocents citizens, without anyone doing anything. The Facts of CABEZA DE VACA’s bad government are in the eyes of the whole world. He is the main enemy of the Mexican, and U.S. People.

It is time -no punishment- for the criminals who attacked the American Consulate. Another case of impunity.The U.S. Consulate building in Nuevo Laredo has just been hit by numerous grenades, and gunshots, forcing Consul General DEANNA KIM to suspend her consular duties.
Dangerous, and violent scenarios are common in Tamaulipas. And it worsened with the slowdown of the SCJN, which seeks -not to be prosecuted GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, for totally political purposes, favoring the PAN, and a probable presidential candidate in 2024.
Texas Authorities -denounced- that alleged members of a Mexican cartel, involved in human trafficking, mocked the National Guard and the Border Patrol, at the border with Mexico -showing- some AK-47s they were carrying.
“… They stood in the middle of the river, and then brandished their weapons. And they taunted the National Guard, which is on the other side, on the U.S. side,” said Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) spokesman Lt. CHRISTOPHER OLIVAREZ, quoted by the WASHINGTON EXAMINER.
OLIVAREZ noted that, in addition to the high-powered weapons, the alleged drug traffickers were wearing tactical military vests, which occurred last week. According to the Department of Public Safety official, the members of this cartel, in a clandestine manner, crossed the Rio Grande into the U.S. to transfer a group of people, and then returned “and took out their weapons”.
The UNIVERSE news, and EL UNIVERSO, on July 17, 2021, reported that: “…Not even 24 hours had passed. When the Government of JOE BIDEN exhorted its citizens not to visit Tamaulipas and other states, due to the violence. There was an armed attack on the civilian population, and 15 innocent people were killed in Reynosa”.
“…The Hit Men -according to witnesses- shot at everything that moved. In the neighborhoods: Bienestar, Almaguer, Fidel Velazquez, Lampacitos and Unidad Obrera. They acted as if it were: a war. ‘Worse’ than what is happening in Syria.”
“…Before the ‘omission’ of GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA, Reynosa has become a violent city. What the population does not deserve. While Minister JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA ’to pull the petals off of the daisy’ to define the CABEZA DE VACA Case.”
“…What caused that the Senator RICARDO MONREAL to allude to the events in Reynosa. In which 15 people were killed by an armed group. He said: “Tamaulipas is burning. And -he blamed- the SCJN for this climate of violence, for not attending to the CABEZA DE VACA matter.”
After a vote in the Chamber of Deputies, on Friday 30 April, 2021, the Governor of Tamaulipas, FRANCISCO GARCIA CABEZA DE VACA was stripped of his immunity. He would be tried for tax evasion, illicit enrichment, organized crime, among others offenses.
Almost two years have passed without the SCJN lifting a finger to issue a sentence in the CABEZA case. Meanwhile, violence does not stop in Tamaulipas. In Ciudad Victoria, there was a double mafia-style execution against a journalist and his daughter as they were leaving their home.
Because of the state of terror, and Neo-Nazi imposed by CABEZA DE VACA. People are walking around with JESUS, in their mouths, in Tamaulipas. Instead, he and his family live-with public resources-in the security and privileges of high society.
Horror continues to flourish, particularly in on those who dare to criticize the PAN Governor directly. Many are missing. Others are dead. Numerous citizens are in jail for fabricated crimes, ordered by CABEZA DE VACA. In his bid to become President of Mexico, in 2024.
To the disgrace of the Mexican and American people, for the Court directed by ARTURO ZALDIVAR, seconded by JUAN LUIS GONZALEZ ALCANTARA CARRANCA, the CABEZA case is quite a show. And any Hollywood actor or actress would envy, to work on it.
In fact, the SCJN (ZALDIVAR and 10 Ministers) trample on numerous fundamental articles of the Mexican Constitution, in order to cover up and protect CABEZA DE VACA. They are persistent violators of the laws. Like, Justice must be prompt and expeditious.
No one in Mexico was astonished, nor was it a surprise. By The accusation made by RICARDO SHEFFIELD, standing next to President ANDRES MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR, about high-ranking officials who violate the federal Constitution, at the National Palace in Mexico City.
The Little Angels of The SCJN, (all the ministers) earn more than the President of the Republic. Act not allowed by the federal constitution. Swimming like a dead man, in 4 years of the 4T, in violation of the law, they have collected this salary.