*** TRUMP is a -Enemy- of World War III
*** PUTIN -Maintains- an Equanimity Position
*** XI JINPING -Respects- The Way of Humanity
***Pay Attention Please: Translation From English to Spanish by MARY DE LA RIVERA.
ZELENSKY Llevó a UCRANIA al “Cementerio”
*** TRUMP es -Enemigo- de la Tercera Guerra Mundial
*** PUTIN -Mantiene- Una Posición Ecuánime
*** XI JINPING -Respeta- el Camino de la Humanidad
*** Mary de la RIVERA -entrañable- amiga y colaboradora de The UNIVERSE News y EL UNIVERSO. Traduce el título y sumario de la Información Del Inglés al Español. Y el primer y segundo párrafo.
San Antonio, TEXAS.-“There are no serious explanations, as to how a clown like VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY could commit a ‘capital sin’ against UKRAINE, leading it to the worst cemetery. Where, he ‘buried’ thousands of Ukrainians, without the slightest remorse?”.
(“¿No hay ninguna explicación seria de cómo un payaso como VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY pudo cometer un ‘pecado capital’ contra UCRANIA, llevándola al peor cementerio, donde ‘enterró’ a miles de ucranianos, sin el menor remordimiento?”)
Without going into certain allegations, regarding DONALD J. TRUMP’s management as President. And in spite of the fact that — they do not want to admit it — the tycoon, after having two attacks, in North America. He is a sworn enemy of a third World War. The facts speak for themselves.”.
(“Sin entrar a ciertos alegatos, sobre la gestión de DONALD J. TRUMP como Presidente. Y pese, a que -no se quiera reconocer- el magnate, después de -tener dos atentados, en Norteamérica. El es un enemigo -jurado- de una Tercera Guerra Mundial. Los hechos hablan, por sí mismos.”)
The above reflections are from experts in Geopolitics, who saw the imminent danger of a third World War. Trend driven by JOE BIDEN, former President of U.S. And TRUMP, until today reverses it, for the good of America. The data -they- offer it:
“VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY is the” all-time champion “in the biggest robbery of the USA, unambiguously stressed the American billionaire ELON MUSK. In Something that was going on around Ukraine.”
“The entrepreneur of the famed Electric Vehicle Company, thus commented: on US President JOE BIDEN’s decision to allocate another $2.5 billion to Ukraine.”
“Recently, JOE BIDEN announced military aid of about: $2.5 billion to Ukraine, the White House reported. He explained that $1.25 billion of this amount is an estimate of the cost of stockpiled weapons.”
“In U.S. stockpiles to be transferred to Kiev. Another $1.22 billion will be used to order new weapons. And thus continue to protect Ukraine. In the war against Russia.”
“Lately, MUSK commented very often on the conflict in Ukraine. The Tesla CEO previously called the situation in Ukraine an “eternal conflict, where young people die.”
“Reacting to a post by American businessman DAVID SACKS who predicted the collapse of Kiev. Despite Washington’s military aid, which with JOE BIDEN was determined to defeat VLADIMIR PUTIN and his Russian Government.”
“MUSK put into perspective the acute situation of KIEV, and the (puppet-clown) ZELESNKY, in its imminent defeat before the Slavic country. Which, in the face of all the prognoses of the advertising of the West. Russia is very close to victory over KIEV”.
“In addition, in March, the businessman criticized the methods of recruitment in Ukraine. In his words, many people died during 2023, without any progress.”
“In February, the billionaire supported DAVID SACKS’, the opinion that the Ukrainian conflict is “based on lies”. He stressed that none of the issues currently being raised about the crisis in Ukraine correspond to reality.”
“In early October 2022, the billionaire launched a poll on Twitter, about a hypothetical peace agreement between Moscow and Kiev that would include, among other conditions: the neutrality of Ukraine, and referendums on accession of Russia.”

Supervised by the UN, in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and the Kherson and Zaporozhie regions. He also questioned Ukraine’s victory, recalling that its population is three times smaller than Russia’s, and urged support for peace initiatives: between the two states.
There are versions that President TRUMP, began to talk with the President of RUSSIA, VLADIMIR PUTIN. Also with the Chinese President XI JINPING on various global issues. In which there is interest in resolving the RUSSIA-UKRAINE war. This indicates that there is progress for Peace.
“XI JINPING appears as a great protagonist in the international scenario, for his majestic works in favor of the Chinese people. One of them was to eradicate poverty in his country at a time of enormous hardships of the COVID 19″.
“With the bases of the great statesman MAO ZEDONG, who put the structures of all kinds, in China. In addition to carrying out the revolution of the country of the Dragon, and that at the moment 1400 Million Chinese enjoy. The Chinese President XI JINPING consolidates the socialist principles”.
“Maintaining an international policy of respect for all countries of the world. XI JINPING seeks: Peace and shared Progress, respecting the path of Humanity. Without interference, seeking at all times: dialogue, negotiation, respect.”
“In the Great and Mighty country of VLADIMIR ILICH LENIN, the skillful statesman VLADIMIR PUTIN carries with a great respect, the leadership of the patriotic people, considered that way, by Universal Historians.”
“Whose public fame proves by facts, that VLADIMIR PUTIN does not intend to stay: with all Ukraine. Since his main interest is to stop VOLODYMYR ZELENSKI’s terrorist attacks, against the prorussian civilian population, defenseless, with Ukrainian missiles.”
“Notwithstanding the fact that RUSSIA is, according to experienced geopoliticians – the first nuclear power on the entire planet. It has conducted its special military operation with a fairly even-handed position. In the face of the provocations of ZELENSKY’s terrorist acts. Which continue.”