*** Until Death, it is a Permanent Risk
San Antonio, Texas.-In The History of Humanity, there are several examples of personages that reveal a high degree of genius. Which they serve as the guide, through their life lessons. And their behavioral models leave an imperishable imprint.
JESUS CHRIST was one of them. That notwithstanding which the time went by several centuries. He is in force, in his universal teachings. With JESUS CHRIST, some religions grow up due to their life and their figure. Catholic Religions and Christian among others.

After from more two thousand years, the words of JESUS CHRIST have eternal life. He says“… Evil is not what comes into a man’s mouth, but what comes out of it.”(…)“… Father, forgive them because they don’t know what they are doing.”
“…From what serves it at the man, to win the world. If he loses his soul.” According to some Universal, Historians JESUS CHRIST sentenced the previous words at a critical moment of humanity.
In Asia, BUDDHA is another of the great visionary of humanity, that EDUARD SCHURE points out. In his book: “The Great Initiates”. EDUARD SCHURE was a French Philosopher and Publicist of Esoteric Literature. Also, to JESUS CHRIST includes it.
The Mystery is so difficult to clear up pursuant to the theory of the monks of Buddha. In Asia (China, Japón, Corea, Vietnam, and others countries) there are more from 500 millions of devotee of BUDDHA.
“…When BUDDHA came at the same time to clairvoyance and Nirvana. A cry of triumph and joy escapes his lips. Because he has finally broken the chains of destiny. And he has liberated himself forever from corporal imprisonment”. Several biographers are described.”
“…There is nothing more terrible than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks pleasant relationships. It is a thorn that irritates and damages. It is a sword that kills.” It is one of the important phrases of BUDDHA.
“…The mind is everything. Whatever you think, that’s what you become”. It is the gold law of Buddhism, in the world.
At a world level, many people walk without knowing: What is good and evil?. Unfortunately for them, they consult to the blind. Those who speak of light. And they have never seen it. A big mistake, according to the Hindu Theory.
A Dismal mixture of ‘Ignorance and Arrogance leads the people. What makes them trust their enemies. They are even their confidants when they explain their problems, which affects them. A worse vice of the people who are distinguished by mediocrity.
Blindness and the absence of people’s own criteria lead them to live, in serious dangers. Unprotected the mediocre do not take a step. No Without finding serious problems. Until death, it is a permanent risk due to the lack of minimum standards of wisdom.
LAO TSE(Chinese Wise Man) says: Be flexible, and you will stay straight. Empty, and you will remain full. Consume yourself, and you will be renewed. The less he has, the more he will be given. The more you have, the more you will be subtracted. By this, The Sage considers the One the norm of The Universe.
Amid a lot of Evil, it does not understand how the people, instead of looking for the Genius of JESUS CHRIST, BUDDHA or another great visionary. They prefer to live in infinite mediocrity. ¿Why?. That is the question…
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