Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mr. CABEZA And EGIDIO -Sink- to The PAN

*** Government of CABEZA Has Neither Feet Nor Head. *** San Fernando ‘Massacre’ Involves to EGIDIO *** The National Security Archive Reveals The Role of Authorities...

Encuestas ‘FIFÍ’ Apoyan al PAN…”CONTRASTES”

- Lo Blanco y Negro de la Noticia - ***Ahí Está la "Mano Negra" de CABEZA ***XICO Lleva a la Derrota a SOTO y PILAR   Por...

‘Dark Fame’ of YARRINGTON Crosses The PRI And The PAN

*** Pupil of ZEDILLO Lived With Total Impunity in 12 Years *** FBI Always Walked Around Looking For to YARRINGTON ***Unexpected Arrest of YARRINGTON, in Florencia,...

To Be or Not to Be in Venezuela

*** Venezuela’s Rebellion That Wasn’t *** Juan Guaido’s Uprising Failed *** MADURO Gives by Defeated Attempted Coup D'etat  By DANTE GONZALEZ / Special to EL UNIVERSO San...


“Lo -Blanco y Negro- de la Noticia” *** Formó GURRÍA Parte de la Bancarrota de México *** GEÑO y EGIDIO Sacaron Millones Con Tianguistas *** Debido a...

The ‘Silence’ of OBRADOR-EBRARD Before TRUMP

*** Evident Verbal Submission Towards DONALD TRUMP *** Will Follow The Unworthy Language of TRUMP vs Mexico? *** Until Which DONALD TRUMP Wins The Presidential...


“Lo -Blanco y Negro- de la Noticia” *** FOX, El Rey de la "Mariguana" ***En la Tragedia de Minatitlán AMLO *** SOTO y PILAR (PAN) 'Desprecian al...

No Propicia ‘Venta de Plazas’ la Reforma Educativa: Delgado

*** No Meterá Las Manos, la CNTE  Para -Controlar- Las Plazas Por Juan A. RODRÍGUEZ / EL UNIVERSO / The UNIVERSE News Ciudad de México.- Con...


  “Lo -Blanco y Negro- de la Noticia” ***El Suicidio Del ex Presidente Peruano, Por ODEBRECHT ***En México, ‘Nadie Hace Nada’ en lo de ’ODEBRECHT’ *** El...

Jesus vs The ‘Roman Empire’

*** Was a ‘Hell’ in Notre Dame Cathedral? *** 128 Former Combatants Were Assassinated in Colombia *** Venezuela Suffers From Drug shortages, And Get Help    ...